On countless occasions we've made sure the following question: what fish eat?. Well, that question the only way to answer it is to experience, yet we will find situations that will be very difficult to answer, the weather, water, technology, etc ... are among the many factors that together with the correct imitation give us success in the capture.
If any of these factors fails, you may even give the imitation theory adequate to the time we leave without capturing any of our house. There are however other cases in which apparently nothing fails us and the situation is also outright failure, may not find explanation here, and so are the circumstances in which the fish will not eat, or if, perhaps these microorganisms that also inhabit our waters?, go! if so it could fisherman capable of performing any such imitations.
We will leave aside these exceptional situations and we will focus on doing well and know imitations, particularly those micromodels, which used properly will give us good catches and success in exceptional circumstances.
Chironomid pupa suspended
Mounting thread: Brown
Tail: Short white fibers
Body: Natural quill
Thorax: Peacock herl
Ball suspended: Polystyrene foam white
or tied whith fine mesh or nylon stocking
Hook: Size 20/22 curved
Chironomid pupa c.d.c.
Mounting thread: Brown
Tail: Poly white
Body: Dubbing olive
Jump: Fine copper wire
Thorax: Pheasant tail
Suspended plume: C. d.c. Natural
or white
Hook: Size 20/22 curved
Emerging ephemerella
Mounting thread: Brown or olive
Tail: C. d. c. natural fibers or coq de
Leon barbs
Body: Light olive hare dubbing
Jump: Fine copper wire
Thorax: Light olive hare dubbing
Wing bag: C. d. c. natural and should
be positioned
domed or progression
Pins: Partridge
Hook: Size 20
Micro caddisfly quill c. d. c.
Mounting thread: Brown or black
Wing: C. d. c. natural
Body: Peacock quill
Head: Peacock quill
Hook: Size 22 (short)
Micro yellow stonefly
Mounting thread: Pale yellow
Body: Olive
Palmer: Olive pen
Head: Pale yellow
Antennae: Olive pen
Wings: Olive pen tips
Hook: Size 20
Mounting thread: Olive
Body: Twisted hare
Back: Plastic strip
Rib: Fine copper wire or nylon
Hook: Size 18/20 curved
Set Pardon
Mounting thread: Brown
Tail: Coq de Leon barbs
Body: Light hare dubbing
Hackle: Grizzly and brown
Hook: Size 18/20
Micro gray caddisfly c. d. c.
Mounting thread: Brown or gray
Wing: Coq de Leon barbs and c. d. c.
Body: Peacock quill or mounting thread
Hackle: C. d. c. natural
Hook: Size 20/22
Emerging c. d. c. chironomid
Mounting thread: Brown
Body: Natural quill
Thorax: C. d. c. and natural quill
Exuviae: C. d. c.
Hook: Size 20-26 curved
Green rhyacophila
Mounting thread: Brown or black
Body: Antron bright green or polypropylene
(fibers may be mixed with brown)
Jump or rib: Fine nylon monofilamnet
Pins: partridge
Head: brown or black lacquered
Hook: Size 20-24 curved
Pheasant tail
Mounting thread: Brown
Tail: Natural pheasant
Body: Natural pheasant
Jump or rib: Fine copper wire
Thorax: Natural pheasant
Wing bag: Natural pheasant
Hook: Size 18-24
Green diptera palmer
Mounting thread: green or brown
Wing: pen tip grizzly
Body: Very fine green dubbing
Palmer: Olive
Head: Mounting thread
Hook: Size 22 (short)
Pupa emerging
Mounting thread: Brown or gray
Body: Gray dubbing (better with sparkles)
and c. d. c. natural
Thorax: C. d. c. natural and gray
dubbing mixed
with brown dubbing or similar
Exuviae: C. d. c. natural and
partridge fibers
Legs: Partridge
Hook: Size 20-22 curved
Diptera exuviae parachut
Mounting thread: Brown or olive
Body: Dubbing yellow/olive
Thorax: Dubbing yellow/olive
and green,
we also added a yellow fibers as
an exuviae
Parachut: Grizzly
Wing: C. d. c. natural
Hook: Size 18-24
Nymph betido (gray goose)
Mounting thread: gray or brown
Tail: Natural goose (2 or 3 fibers)
Body: Natural goose or similar
Jump or rib: Fine copper wire
Thorax: Natural goose (gray)
or similar
Wing bag: Natural goose (gray)
or pheasant
Hook: Size 18-22
Emerging olive
Mounting thread: Olive or brown
Tail: Coq de Leon barbs (stained by picric)
Body: Natural hare dubbing picric
Rib (optional): Fine copper wire
or similar
Thorax: Natural hare dubbing mixed
with dark
olive dubbing
Wing bag: Natural c. d. c.
Hackle: Dun and fibers c. d. c.
Hook: Size 18-22
Pop nymph Ephemerella
Mounting thread: Brown or gray
Tail: Coq de Leon barbs
Body: Gray dubbing and c. d. c.
Thorax: Antron dubbing orange and
dark olive
Rib (optional): vinyl rib fine
Wing bag: Natural c. d. c.
Exuviae: Natural fibers c. d. c.
antron dubbing
mixed with green and gray
Hook: Size 20-22
Diptera black
Mounting thread: Black
Body: Dubbing of c. d. c. natural
or black,
can also use the same mounting
Thorax: Antron dubbing black
and c. d. c. natural
Wing: Natural c. d. c.
Hook: Size 20-26 short
Fly yellow quill
Mounting thread: Brown or gray
Tail: Coq de Leon barbs
Body: Natural quill yellow (picric)
Hackle: Dun
Wing: Dun tips
Hook: Size 18/20
Micro brown caddisfly
Mounting thread: Brown
Body: Twisted hare
Wing: Coq de Leon barbs
Head or false hackle: Twisted hare
Antennas: Coq de Leon barbs
Hook: Size 18-22
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